Tenderloin stuffed with raisins and orange

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Tenderloin is excellent meat with which to make stuffed packets of meat.  It is easily beaten flat.  In this recipe the stuffing has a powerful flavour of raisins, orange and Sherry, giving it a Christmas taste – not to say that it should not be eaten at other times of year.

Preparation Time: 20 Mins

Cooking Time: 45 Mins

Total Time: 12 Hrs


For 2 servings…

4                    Anchovy fillets         

10 gms            Butter       

1 clove            Garlic       

½                   Lemon  - grated rind of          

1                    Orange  - juice of     

340 gms          Tenderloin of pork  - beaten flat

For the sauce

60 ml              Cream  - double      



For the stuffing

40 gms            Breadcrumbs  - white 

40 gms            Butter       

10 gms            Butter  - melted       

1                    Egg          

40 gms            Onion  - chopped finely          

½                   Orange  - juice and grated rind of          

1 tbs               Parsley  - chopped    


80 gms            Raisins      


170 ml             Sherry  - dry

1 tbs               Walnuts  - chopped finely       


The day before cooking…

Soak the stuffing raisins overnight in the sherry (less ½ tbs) and orange juice.

To make the stuffing…

Drain the raisins reserving the liquid.  Combine the raisins with the breadcrumbs, onion, parsley, walnuts and the grated rind and juice of orange.  Season and bind with ½ tbs sherry, the melted butter and the egg.  Put the remainder of the stuffing butter into a pan and add the stuffing - stirring over a gentle heat for 5 minutes.  Cool.

To prepare the meat…

Make a paste by pounding together the anchovies, garlic, the lemon rind and butter.  Spread this paste on the tenderloins.  The place a portion of the stuffing on each piece of tenderloin.   Roll up each tenderloin to make a parcel and tie with string.  Place them in a well-buttered gratin dish and pour over the liquid in which the raisins for the stuffing were soaked plus the juice of an orange. Put in an oven preheated to 180°C. and cook for 45 minutes, basting occasionally.  Add a mixture of sherry and stock should the liquid reduce to under ½ cm in depth.

To serve and prepare the sauce…

Remove the string and arrange the tenderloins on a serving dish; keep warm.  Strain the cooking liquid into a saucepan.  Bring to the boil and adjust seasoning.  Stir in the cream and boil again.  Pour over the tenderloin.

Wine recommendations




     Anjou Gamay




