Red cabbage with apple, bacon and balsamic vinegar


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This red cabbage is absolutely delicious with venison, goose or duck.  It is sticky, sweet and sour.

Preparation Time: 30 Mins

Cooking Time: 1¼ Hrs

Total Time: 1¾ Hrs


For 6 portions

2                    Apples  - eating - peeled, cored and diced

2 rashers          Bacon  - cut into lardons        

1 knob            Butter       

1 tbs               Fennel seeds           

2 tbs               Olive oil    

1                    Onion  - sliced        

1 bunch           Parsley  - chopped    

                      Pepper  - freshly ground, black 

1                    Red cabbage  - cut into chunks 


150 ml             Vinegar  - balsamic   


Heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat, add the bacon and fennel seeds and cook until golden.  Then add the onion, cover and to cook for 10 minutes or until lightly golden and sticky.  Put in the apple and cabbage, season and pour in the vinegar.  Stir well.

Put on the lid, reduce the heat to low and cook gently for 1 hour stirring occasionally. Scoop into a serving dish, dot the butter on top and sprinkle with the parsley.  Serve.



